Getting started is simple - Just login and update your availability

Go to the website:

Use your DJJ email address and supplied password to login.

You can also use the app for iPhone or Android to keep your availability up-to-date. See quick guide.

When you login you will see the 'Update My Availability" screen (above)

Indicate the times you are not available to work by clicking and dragging with your mouse on the cells corresponding to day and times you are unavailable.

Your availability will instantly update and you will not receive any offers to work where you have indicated you are not available.

Wait for a shift offer via a text message.

When you get an offer accept with a 'Y' and the 3 digit code in the text eg Y120 or decline with a 'N' and the three digit code eg N120

If you accept your will receive a confirmation text and will booked for the shift.